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A kettlebell exercise that combines the lunge, bridge and side plank in a slow, controlled movement. Keeping the arm holding the bell extended vertically, the athlete transitions from lying supine on the floor to standing, and back again. Get-ups are sometimes modified into get-up presses, with a press at each position of the get-up; that is, the athlete performs a floor press, a leaning seated press, a high bridge press, a single-leg kneeling press, and a standing press in the course of a single get-up.
Category: Gym Equipment

A kettlebell exercise that combines the lunge, bridge and side plank in a slow, controlled movement. Keeping the arm holding the bell extended vertically, the athlete transitions from lying on the floor to standing, and back again. Get-ups are sometimes modified into get-up presses, with a press at each position of the get-up; that is, the athlete performs a floor press, a leaning seated press, a high bridge press, a single-leg kneeling press, and a standing press in the course of a single get-up.]A kettlebell exercise that combines the lunge, bridge and side plank in a slow, controlled movement. Keeping the arm holding the bell extended vertically, the athlete transitions from lying on the floor to standing, and back again. Get-ups are sometimes modified into get-up presses, with a press at each position of the get-up; that is, the athlete performs a floor press, a leaning seated press, a high bridge press, a single-leg kneeling press, and a standing press in the course of a single get-up.A kettlebell exercise that combines the lunge, bridge and side plank in a slow, controlled movement. Keeping the arm holding the bell extended vertically, the athlete transitions from lying on the floor to standing, and back again. Get-ups are sometimes modified into get-up presses, with a press at each position of the get-up; that is, the athlete performs a floor press, a leaning seated press, a high bridge press, a single-leg kneeling press, and a standing press in the course of a single get-up.

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